This is an amazing topic and a fickle one with regards to me and my business. I love to listen to podcasts because they’re inspiring and if done right, can be almost like a mini-course.
When I say “fickle,” I meant it because if in the first 15 minutes of listening to a new podcast, I don’t connect with the speaker, I tend to shut it off and move on. It can be the sound of their voice or they’re just rattling on with non-sense (which is usually brought on by the annoyance of their voice). It can be a vicious cycle. Sounds crazy right? But it’s true.
Also, I find the most important thing I need from Podcasts is value. Now mind you these are generally business podcasts. But in thinking about it, the same can be true for when I listen to something based on Marvel or a comedy because I’m expecting some sort of value from them as well. Bottom line, don’t waste my time with a bunch of boring gibberish.
Which bring me to when I publish my podcasts. I will need to focus on bringing valuable content and hope that my voice isn’t annoying to people like me. But, perhaps my content will be SO great that it will win people over EVEN if they think my voice is annoying.
Now that leads me to my TOP FOUR favorite podcasts that I listen to right now. I say “right now” because I believe this list will be ever growing and changing. I will also say that some of these listed, in the beginning, I had to get over their voices because they made me sleepy or I didn’t connect with the tone. BUT they ALL offer such amazing, valuable content that out weigh voice tone and sleepiness. My advice to you, just listen in the morning and NOT at bedtime.
Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
Amazing content provider. Wow, she is something to inspire too and I hope I can bring as much value to my audience as she does.
Podcast Answer Man with Cliff Ravenscraft
Very transparent and uplifting. I guess that’s what I love about all these podcasters, is their transparency. Cliff gives great content, tips and information.
Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn
I love the questions Pat asks on his podcasts when he interviews people. It’s amazing and very direct. He’s a really nice guy and people respect him for that. Pat is very positive, inspiring and genuinely cares about his audience.
This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt
Besides his wonderful speaking voice, Michael gives great advice and has great topics he talks about. I really like the format of the podcast. Instead of him simply speaking, he has a host to ask him questions and lead the conversation for him. Great content to walk away with, integrating your business and personal life.
These are probably some very popular podcasts and there’s a very good reason for it. I think what I will do is start listing my top favorites I’m listening to in the sidebar of my website for you to reference and maybe consider if you’re starting your business like me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and hope you have a wonderful week!